Сайт посвящен творчеству Ольги Александровны Седаковой. |
Ольга Александровна Седакова Curriculum vitae Born 26.12.1949,
Graduated from Ph. D. 1983 (“Slavonic Mythology: The Archaic Funeral Rites by the South and
Up to 1990 nothing of her
works was published in the 1983-1990: member of Professional
Committee of literary critics and historians of art ( 1990-1991 lectured at the Moscow
Gorky's Writers Institute (General Poetics). Since 1991 lectures at the
Member of Russian PEN Centre (since
1994). Chevalier d’Honneur
d’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres de Published 29 books of poetry, prose,
translations and studies in philology.
Books of
poetry: 1. Ворота, Окна, Арки. - YMCA-press, Париж, 1986. (Gates, Windows,
Arches). 2. Китайское
Стелы и
Старые песни. - Carte blanche, Москва, 1991. (A Chinese Journey, Tombstones and
Inscriptions, The Old Songs). 2-А. Китайское путешествие (переизд.)
М., Грааль 2002. (A Chinese Journey). 2-б. Старые песни (переизд.) М.,
2003. (The Old Songs). 3. The Silk of Time. Шелк времени. (по-английски и русски). Bilingual Selected Poems. Ed. and itroduced by Valentina Polukhina. Ryburn Publihing. Keele Univ.Press,1994. 4. Стихи. Послесловие С.С.Аверинцева. - Гнозис,
Carte Blanche. Москва, 1994.
(Selected Poems, introd. by Sergej
Averintsev). 5. The
Wild Rose. (по-английски и русски). Approach Publishers. 6. The
Old Songs (на иврите). 7. Стихи
и Проза. Двухтомник. Москва, NFQ,
2001. (Collected Works in 2 volumes. Vol.1.
Poetry. Vol.2. Essays.) 8.
Путешествие волхвов. Избранное. - М., Logos,
2002. (The Journey of the Magi. Selected Poems). 8-а. Переиздание: М., Русский путь, 2005. (Second ed.) 9. Kinesik Rejse og
andre digte. (по-датски). «Китайское путешествие и другие стихи».
Borgens Verdenslytik
fra det 20. arhunderte. Copenhagen,
2004. - Transl. Mette
Dalsgaard. 10. Poems and
Elegies. (по-английски). Transl. Slava Jastremsky and others. -
11. Le voyage en Chine et
autres poemes. (по-французски). Trad. Leon
Pane, Philippe
Jaccottet. - Caracteres,
Paris 2004. 12. L’ange de Reims
& autres poemes. (по-французски). Le rencontres
poetiques de 13. Lekures rrejdh shikimi. Selected poems.
(по-албански). - Bodimet ideart, 14. Музыка. Стихи и проза. М., Русский мир, 2006. (Music. Poems and
Prose). 15.
Две книги. - Аудиокнига. СПб., АзиЯ-плюс, 2008. (Two Books.
The author’s
reading). 16. Solo in fuoco
si semina il fuoco. (по-итальянски). A cura di
Adalberto Mainardi. - Edizioni Quiqajon, 2008. Books of prose: 1. Reise nach
2. Eloge de la
poesie. (по-французски). “Похвала поэзии”. Transl. Guislaine Bardet.- Ed. L’Age d’Homme, Lausanne, Swiss. 2001.
(In Praise of Poetry).
3. Voyage a
Два путешествия. М., Логос,
2005. Вступ. статья Ксении Голубович. (“Two Journeys”.
Introd. 5.
Посредственность как социальная опасность. - Архангельск, 2006. (Mediocrity as a Social Danger) 6. Voyage a (A Journey to
Bryansk, The Gift of
Liberty. Some Words on Poetry: Its End, Its Beginning and Its
Continuation. Trad.,
comment and introduced by Marie Noelle Pane)/ Books for
children: 1. Как я превращалась (And then I turned into…). - Москва, ТимДизайн, 2007. 2,
Хрюнтик Мамунтик. Стихи для детей и котов. - Khriuntik
Mamuntik. Poems for cats and children (in print,
Books of philological studies: 1. Поэтика обряда. Погребальная обрядность восточных и южных славян. М., Индрик, 2004. (Poetics of the Ritual: The Funeral Rites
of the East and M.
Греко-латинский кабинет. 2005. (The Church-Slavonic – Russian
Dictionary). 2-A.
Трудные слова из богослужений. Церковнославянско-русские паронимы. Издание
второе, исправленное и дополненное. M. Греко-латинский кабинет. 2005. (The second,
revised and completed ed. of the Dictionary). Books of
translation: 1. Рождественская история по Евангелию от
Луки. Пер. Ольги Седаковой. -СПб.. изд. Новикова. 1998. (Сhristmas Story secundum Luca). 2. Поль Клодель. ”Извещение Марии”
(драма). Перевод,
статья. Paul Claudel. L’annonce faite a Marie.
- Casa di Matriona, 2000. Translation,
Introduction. 3. Послания cв. Антония Великого. Перевод, комментарий. М., Синтагма, 2003. (The Letters of St. Anthony the Great:
translation, comments).
The poems by Olga Sedakova, translated into
English, French, Italian, German,
Swedish, Dutch, Finnish, Serbian, Hebrew, Polish, Serb, Bulgarian,
Albanian, Flemish, Greek and other languages, were published in various Anthologies and
periodicals. The essays and and philological works were also published in various
collections and periodicals, in Russian and in translation (English, German,
French, Italian, Albanian, Serb etc.). Olga Sedakova’s translations from European
poetry (R.M.Rilke, T.S.Eliot, Ezra Pound, L.Carroll, P.Ronsard, P.Claudel, S.Mallarmee, St. Francis of
Took part in the International Сongresses, Symposiums and Conferences on Philology,
philosophy, sociology and history of Glasgow 1989, 1991; San Francisco Whitland Foundation 1990;
Paris 1993; Rome 1994; Moscow 1995,
Vatican 1996, Stockholm 1996, Rome 1998, 2000, 2003; Paris 1999, Stockholm 1999,
Ferrara 1999, Paris 2002, Minsk 2003, 2004, Moscow 1995, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007,
2008, Firenze 2006, Seriate 2007, Praha 2008.
Poet in Residence
: 1994 1999 Visiting Poet, 1999 2003 Annual Speaker for the up-graduate
students, Harvard (
Lectured abroad:
1989 December at the 1994 January – July, 1994 at the Universities of United Kingdom
(Oxford, St.Andrew, Leeds, Exeter, Essex Belfast, London, Sussex, Bath): on
Russian 1995 at the 1997 at the 1997 at the 1999 at the Universities of 2000 at the 2001 2003 at the Universities of Princeton,
Penstate, Bucknell ( 2003 at the Universiy of Geneve (Swiss);
2007 at the Universities of USA, lectures and
poetry readings (Stanford, Harvard, Berkeley, Bucknell, Emory) ( 2007 at the 2008 at the
Public lectures: British Library. “Art of Translation: Some
Remarks”. April 1997. ( Roma. “The
Happy Agitation of Depths”. Lecture delivered in case of the Solovjev Price,
1999. ( Bregenz. Bregenzer Festspiele The opening lecture
to the International Opera Festival
of Bregens: “Macht des Glucks” (“The Power of Joy”). July 2000
( Milano. In the course of Esperimenti danteschi :“Under the Skies
of Violence, three Songs of Inferno”. The State University of Milano. March 2008
( and many
others, in
Participated in the International Poetry
Festivals: Hay-on-Way Poetry Festival, 1994 ( Racconti divers” Bardinale. Koeln, 1998 ( Ive-sur Marne Poetry
International, 1999
( Africa Poetry – 2000 French and Russian Poetical
Tradotions. Paris
2002 ( “Archipel”, Reims 2003
( Die lange Nacht der
Russischen Dichtung, Berlin 2003
( Bardinale. Dresden
2004 ( Les Belles
Etrangeres: “Europalia” 2006: Bruxelles, Gent,
“Poeteka” 2006:
Dures (Epidamnus), Tiranna, Skoder ( In the
International Book fairs: Frankfurt Book Fair
2003 ( Comedie du livre
3 International
Open Book Festival. Poet in
Residence: Harvard University
2003 ( Other
residences: Schloss Wiepersdorf 1999 ( Bellagio, Rockefeller Foundation 2001 (
Radio Programs,
Films: Talks on Poetry: the regular (in a fortnight) one-hour program
on Radio “ “Another “Olga Sedakova: the Profile”, film by Christian
Ratner, ORF, 2000 ( “To live and to write in
Andrey Bely Prize For poetry, essays and
translations, published in Samizdat. ( Alfred
Toepfer Pushkin Prize . For
poetry. ( Premio Europeo per la poesia. For the book of
poetry “The Wild Rose”. (Roma, 1995) “The Christian Roots of Europe”, Prize in the name of Vladimir Solovjov
( Aleksandr Solzhenitzyn Prize. For poetry and
essays. (Moscow 2003) Onufry
International Prize. For poetry.
( “Inolittle” prize
for translations from Paul Celan. (Moscow 2006). The Book of the
Year for children. (Moscow 2007).
Lives in
February 2009